
A heartfelt wish for a Healthy and Happy and Blessed New Year to all my friends on WordPress and Xanga.

May all wars end and all our men and women come home; may there be no Prejudice, may we all live in Peace regardless of religions, colors and gender!

May each day be a day of thanksgiving, and every night a night of peace and deep slumber. May those of us who fight with lady insomnia be finally able to say, I kicked her all the way to Timbuktu!!



About Zakiah

I write poetry and some fiction, have a book that was published in 2012. . . Stray Thoughts/Winged Words. I have four grandchildren, ages 16 and half to almost 16 months. I love the ocean, and grew up along the Indian Ocean in South India. I am a retired physician. Don't know much else to say. Thanks for reading. That has been my profile for so many years. My daughter Saadia a great poet and story teller, has two sons; the oldest grandson is now 21 years old, doing architectural engineering at Missouri S&T in Rolla MO. His younger brother is almost 16 and taking driving lessons seriously and is in High School. The other two grandsons, children of my son Sayeed, are 9 and 5. I have recently published another book titled Gulistan, A home of Flowers. It has stories and memories of my childhood and of a distant land which I still consider as my HOME., even though I have lived here in the US for more than fifty years. Hope to see you on my blog.
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8 Responses to 2018.

  1. murisopsis says:

    Amen! I hope all these things can be realized in 2018. If not world-wide at least in some small measure in each individual heart. Happy New Year!

  2. jstnotherday says:

    Greetings Zakiah, You’ve been missing in action for awhile. Nice to see you back.
    Beautiful post.

  3. Lady insomnia was with me last night.

    I too hope all of your wishes will be realized. Every year, it just seems to be getting harder. I’m glad the world has people like you.

    All the best to you and your family for 2018! (It feels so weird writing 2018).

    • Zakiah says:

      You and I have to do something about this woman!! She is destructive. I have no place for her in my bed! 😉
      Matt did you get the card I sent waaay before Christmas?? I hope you did. If not I would be so angry.
      Archiving the posts, one month at a time!!!
      Love and hugs to you always.

  4. YES! Wishing all of that for you, SweetZ, and for the world! Thank you for being someone who cares and who works to help see all of that realized!
    Happy New Year-2018!!! 🙂
    HUGS!!! 🙂

  5. Amen. From your lips to God’s ears. Love and hugs. Happy 2018

  6. beowulf222 says:

    All the best for 2018.

  7. mrswrangler says:

    Happy New Year. Hope 2018 is a year of great health for you

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