
I live in Quincy Illinois, a small town on the bluffs along the river Mississippi.

Bio: I write poetry and some fiction, have a book that was published in 2012. . . Stray Thoughts/Winged Words. I have four grandchildren, ages 16 and half to almost 16 months. I love the ocean, and grew up along the Indian Ocean in South India. I am a retired physician. Don't know much else to say. Thanks for reading. That has been my profile for so many years. My daughter Saadia a great poet and story teller, has two sons; the oldest grandson is now 21 years old, doing architectural engineering at Missouri S&T in Rolla MO. His younger brother is almost 16 and taking driving lessons seriously and is in High School. The other two grandsons, children of my son Sayeed, are 9 and 5. I have recently published another book titled Gulistan, A home of Flowers. It has stories and memories of my childhood and of a distant land which I still consider as my HOME., even though I have lived here in the US for more than fifty years. Hope to see you on my blog.

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3 Responses to About

  1. krithya G says:

    What a delightful blog! I look forward to reading more of your musings. Thank you for sharing bits and pieces of your days with the rest of us. 🙂
    Your blog also gives me hope that some day in the not so distant future, when I am older and retired, I might finally have the time to swim in paint and drown in words and create a few paintings and poems of my own.

    • Zakiah says:

      That would be wonderful, Krithya. Thank you so much for the comment and for the kind words. When I was asked to approve your comment, I did right away, but then I couldn’t find you on any of my posts. I was checking my old posts and deleting some, when I came across you, and clicked on the “About” about myself! 🙂 I am glad I found you. I will be so happy if and when you have some time, to read my posts and comment. Again, thank you very much.

      • krithya G says:

        I hear you. I have done that many a times myself. I approve the comment, but then forget to reply. I am glad you found it, and thank you for your very warm reply 🙂

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